deaths in 1365造句


  1. Other information implies that Lotro Gyaltsen remained abbot until his death in 1365.
  2. After their father's death in 1365, Nicholas III and his three brothers initially ruled their inheritance jointly.
  3. Construction on the tombs began after Queen Noguk's death in 1365, and was completed seven years later in 1372.
  4. Upon his early death in 1365, his brothers inherited a significant cluster of Imperial States stretching from the Habsburg residence Vienna to the dynasty's original Further Austrian possessions in the west, the nucleus of the Habsburg Monarchy.
  5. After their father's death in 1365 Wenceslaus I and his younger brother John I, who was the sole heir of the Duchy of Racib髍z from his morther, as well as a joint hier of the Duchy of Opava ( from his father ).
  6. It's difficult to find deaths in 1365 in a sentence. 用deaths in 1365造句挺难的
  7. The city briefly dominated the area under King Ram Khamhaeng, who tradition and legend states established the Thai alphabet, but after his death in 1365, Sukhothai fell into decline and became subject to another emerging Thai state, the Ayutthaya Kingdom in the lower Chao Phraya area.
  8. When Leszek died without heirs in 1336, King John vested his brother-in-law Nicholas II with the Silesian Duchy of Racib髍z ( Ratibor, RatiboY ), whereafter he ruled both duchies in personal union until his death in 1365, when his eldest son John I succeeded him.


  1. "deaths in 1360"造句
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  8. "deaths in 1369"造句
  9. "deaths in 1370"造句
  10. "deaths in 1371"造句

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